ULLI KONIG HAIR - 2038 Washington Street, Rossland, BC

men undercut hairstyle

This is Jake our client. Sporting A cut and style by Ulli

Using classical barbering technique, scissor over comb to cut the sides and a flat blade razor to get the edges to have a nice clean look. Ulli finished the style by keeping the top longer, giving this the hipster undercut look.

This cut is so versatile and flattering as it can suit most face shapes. This hairstyle has so many options – from super edgy to toned down, from rugged to office appropriate.

If your looking for a similar look, or just need a change, book now at with Ulli at Spa Caldera - The Day Spa.  ring 250-921-8888

also if your interested in a portrait session please contact Lawrence at

men undercut hairstyle 2015 by Ulli.


Cut and style:  Ulli Konig
Concept:  Ulli Konig
Photographer: Lawrence Wright
Model: Jake Fantin
Location: Trail BC